
As a church, we’re really committed to prayer.  It’s an important feature of our very first core value of Life-giving relationship with God.  Prayer is the primary way we demonstrate our dependence on God and grow in our relationship with Him.

On Sundays we create space to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us as well as us asking God to bring heaven to earth as we bring before Him recent events in the news.  We want to grow more natural and spontaneous praying for others and ourselves anywhere and anytime.

There’s different ways to get involved in gathered prayer times at South Harbour Vineyard.  We have a short time of prayer at 3.15pm prior to our Sunday gathering on the balcony of our venue.  Once a month we have a church prayer Zoom room online on a Wednesday night.

Each year we also participate in the Thy Kingdom Come global prayer initiative, which focuses prayer in the period between Ascension Day and Pentecost Sunday.  As part of our participation, we have a Prayer Day and church members are involved in praying prophetically for someone else in the congregation.

If someone at church has a prayer need, they can mobilise our Prayer Chain to intercede. This is a group of church members, who have a heart to pray, who intercede confidentially for prayer requests which are submitted. Mary Manton from our pastoral care team, co-ordinates the Prayer Chain and prayer needs can be submitted through her.

“The prophetic prayer initiative was great to be a part of. It encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, practice listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and intercede for other believers. It is also encouraging to see how God speaks to others who pray for you.”

— a church member