Give the Reason Course

A 5-session course equipping Christians with good reasons for trusting the historic credibility of the New Testament.

Drawing together the work of various biblical scholars and including his own material, this course is compiled and presented by South Harbour Vineyard’s pastor Martyn Day. The name of the course is derived from 1 Peter 3:15 which says, “Always be prepared to give the reason for the hope which you have.”

Topic covered:

  • How we know the New Testament rests on eyewitness testimony

  • How the New Testament is confirmed by ancient writings beyond the biblical texts and by archaeology

  • How the Gospels correlate with the rest of the New Testament

  • How the Gospels can be considered good historiography

  • Responding to a selection of some of the more commonly raised objections about the New Testament

This course is run over Zoom and includes teaching and interactive learning. 

The course fee is $25.

Use the button below to request full course details.

Feedback from our last course:

“I really enjoyed this course which made me think about the gospels in a totally new light. I want to do more reading and learning now about the historical context behind the writing of the gospels. Thank you for all the references to other texts and podcasts. I have already listened to quite a few podcasts that you have referred us to in the notes.”

More feedback from our last course:

“I found the course informative, empowering and impressive in its scope with the detailed notes. Martyn's knowledge, commentary answered my questions. I highly recommend all of Martyn's courses.”

Our next course will be run in 2024.